Aderet Eliyahu

18th-century commentary on the Torah by the Vilna Gaon.

Avi Ezer

18th-century supercommentary to Ibn Ezra's Torah commentary.


Series of 18th-century commentaries of Rav Chaim Yosef David Azulai, incorporating rabbinic and kabbalistic teachings.

Divrei David

Gur Aryeh

16th-century supercommentary to Rashi’s Torah commentary by the Maharal of Prague.

HaKtav VeHaKabalah

19th-century commentary by an opponent of Reform Judaism meant to demonstrate how the oral tradition is derived from the biblical text.

Haamek Davar

Influential 19th-century commentary of the Netziv based on classes he gave on the weekly Torah portion in the Volozhin Yeshiva.

Harchev Davar

The Netziv’s elaborations upon his Haamek Davar.

Imrei Yosher

19th-century commentaries on the five megillot by the author of the Netivot Mishpat.

Kli Yakar

17th-century commentary based in part on sermons delivered by the author, Rabbi Shlomo Ephraim of Luntshits.


19th-century commentary known for its assumption that every word in Tanakh carries unique meaning, with no synonyms or repetitions.

Mechokekei Yehudah

R. Yehuda Leib Krinsky's two-part supercommentary on Ibn Ezra's Torah commentary

Meshech Hochma

20th-century commentary of Rav Meir Simcha of Dvinsk, which he started writing as a teenager.

Metzudat David

18th-century classic commentary on Prophets and Writings explaining verses in clear and simple language, primarily based on the Radak’s commentary.

Metzudat Zion

Work originally composed together with the Metzudat David as one work, explaining individual words.


16th-century supercommentary on Rashi’s Torah commentary, in part defending Rashi from critiques of later commentators like the Ramban.

Nachalat Ya'akov

Or HaChaim

18th-century Torah commentary incorporating mysticism, originating in Morocco and seen as an essential work by the European founders of chasidism.


19th-century commentary by a leading figure in the Jewish enlightenment

Siftei Chakhamim

17th-century supercommentary on Rashi, often beginning sections by identifying the textual difficulties that made Rashi’s comments necessary.

Torah Temimah

Early 20h-century encyclopedia of the passages in rabbinic literature relevant to each biblical verse accompanied by brief explanations.